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Ways to Determine the Version of Firebird SQL?

c++ delphi firebird

How do I create a new Firebird database from the command line?

command-line firebird isql

Size of a blob field in Firebird


Load and save image from blob field in delphi using firebird

Is there any way to create a local table variable inside a Firebird stored proc?

How to use DISTINCT ON (of PostgreSQL) in Firebird?

How to get all the fields of a row using the SQL MAX function?

Update a table with join?

sql firebird firebird2.5

Firebird multiple statements

Cast as Int only when Character is a number on FireBird 2.5

Firebird 2.5 VS Interbase 9/XE - which performing faster?

Choosing database and licensing for Delphi application

How do I get a list of tables from a Firebird database?

python firebird kinterbasdb

Query firebird slow order by / distinct

Does order of items in an SQL: WHERE IN () matter?

sql firebird sqlperformance

Why is my Firebird database so huge for the amount of data it's holding?

arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation

sql firebird mybatis