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New posts in findviewbyid

Can findViewById(android.R.id.content) ever return null for Snackbars?

adding touch listener for liner layout filled with buttons

Difference between view.findViewById(R.id....) and just findViewById(R.id...)

NullPointerException when calling findViewById() to get a Fragment's View

Cannot resolve findViewById in fragment [duplicate]

The difference between LayoutInflater.inflate and findViewById

View.findViewById() returning null

( Toolbar ) findViewById( R.id.tool_bar ) return NULL

How does findViewById work?

android findviewbyid

When to call findViewById with menu item id to ensure it is not null?

How to do a findViewById (R.id.>> StringVarHere << )?

android findviewbyid

Can not find a View with findViewById()

Kotlin with Android: Base classes and Kotlin Android Extensions

android kotlin findviewbyid

How do I "findViewById" with fragments?

Android fragment - findViewById returns null [duplicate]

Casting to Button is redundant - Why?

Swift: get UI objects by ID?