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New posts in feature-detection

Feature detection with patent-free descriptors

How to build a custom opencv.js with opencv_contrib

Feature detection when P/Invoking in C# and .NET

OpenCV HOGDescriptor Errors

OpenCV: Detect blinking lights in a video feed

How to find the corners of a Rect object in openCV?

FREAK Descriptor with Opencv Python

opencv 3, blobdetection, The function/feature is not implemented () in detectAndCompute

Android - Face feature detection

How to train and predict using bag of words?

Feature detect opening in a new window/tab(target=_blank) with JavaScript

The pro and con of BRIEF and ORB compared to SIFT

HTML 5 input type=“date” not working in Firefox

What is `query` and `train` in openCV features2D

HOG features visualisation with OpenCV, HOGDescriptor in C++

Is Center-Surround mechanism implemented in opencv?

OpenCV - find bounding box of largest blob in binary image

OpenCV ORB detector finds very few keypoints

What is difference between features and keypoints in computer vision?

What does the distance attribute in DMatches mean?