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New posts in facebook-javascript-sdk

Detect a successful share with the new Facebook Share button

Image request blocking FB.getLoginStatus

Getting OVERRIDING ACCESS_TOKEN warning on facebook logout button. This started a week ago

Facebook canvas app - invite friends

FB.ui() giving error in Safari with asynchronous request when user is not already logged in

How do you get a new access token after expiration without a page reload?

How to set Facebook Access (from server) in JavasScript SDK

How can I post on the Facebook user's wall with a metro app (Windows 8)?

facebook friend selector

Facebook Javascript SDK security

Facebook Login not open in Safari/ iPhone

Exclude permissions from Facebook API

Dynamically generate description for explicitly shared open graph story through FB.ui Share Dialog

Facebook Share dialog doesn't work when href parameter is a variable

Large CSS background-image blocks Javascript while loading

Why is FB.UI Share response returning nothing?

Facebook Messenger API pages_messaging permission

Using Facebook Graph API with the JS SDK in a canvas page iFrame in Safari is broken

Facebook JS API does not work with progressive web app

Downside to always using auth_type="rerequest" in Facebook login button (for required permissions)?