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New posts in facebook-iframe

Facebook JS SDK: Check permissions before Login PopUp

Open Facebook page in iframe or frame?

Get parent page html content from facebook iframe?

Using Facebook Graph API with the JS SDK in a canvas page iFrame in Safari is broken

Full height of Facebook app Canvas in iframe

Why does a "Facebook Comments" iFrame have a different height when it is loaded in a container with CSS 'display: none'?

Facebook comments iframe does not load more

Facebook like iframe slowing down page loading

Responsive design on site that is viewed via an iframe

jQuery is not working in my Facebook Application in Internet Explorer - Access is denied

Locale=nl_BE (Dutch Belgium) no longer supported (in iframe like button)?

Chrome-only cross-domain scripting errs in Facebook iFrame App upon FB.Login(..)

Facebook Is it possible to grab a user's data and populate a form in an iframe?

Why is the first request to a Facebook IFrame App Canvas Page a POST request?

How to do FB.ui({ method: 'auth.login' ...) with display: 'iframe' instead of 'popup'?

Hide facepile if user isn't logged in or no friends are connected to site

PHP SDK 3.1.1 getUser() sometimes return 0

is it possible to use iframe in UIWebView?

FB.getLoginStatus never fires the callback function in Facebook's JavaScript SDK