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New posts in facebook-ios-sdk

Facebook SDK - iOS6 login popup cannot be dismissed

does the facebook ios sdk 3.2 require an app secret

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Facebook iOS SDK Logout

How do you open a FBSession with a completion handler that does not get retained and called on every session state change?

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Facebook - when does the SDK refresh the auth token?

Facebook Login integration into Parse.com App

Facebook iOS SDK login native and UIWebView login

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Facebook iOS SDK: Multiple Facebook apps for different environments

Error when using [FBSession openActiveSessionWithPublishPermissions: ..]

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Unknown class FBSDKLoginButton in Interface Builder file

Getting only those Facebook events which haven't expired graph api

How to change the text of a Facebook button programmatically in Swift?

How to comment or like a photo in facebook through FBconnect or Graph API in iPhone SDK?

Facebook iOS SDK: App crashes right after starting with "Symbol not found: _ACFacebookAppIdKey." only in iOS 5

Invalid application ID with Facebook iOS application

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Facebook native login is not opening facebook app even if it's installed in device?

FBSession requestNewPublishPermissions fails before response

xcode linking issue when using Facebook SDK and Windows Azure SDK

'FBSession: No AppID provided


Check if logged in on ios facebook sdk 3.0