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New posts in facebook-ios-sdk

Intermittent close of facebook login page which is integrated with iOS app

finished with error - code: -1009 when internet there is no connection

Sharing fb image and message content within the app not working using FBSDKShareDialog

FB 4.0 - FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions replacement

Unable to Login as Different User After Logging out of iOS application

Facebook auth.extendssoaccesstoken error code 10

Facebook doesn't accept custom Open Graph properties

FBLoginView: login isn't performed


Sign Up with Facebook and Twitter SDK for iOS

Parse Error: Unacceptable Facebook application id

What is the full set of legal parameters I can pass to a FBWebDialogs through presentFeedDialogModallyWithSession

Facebook iOS SDK installation via CocoaPods

Invite friend using new Facebook iOS SDK ( Invitable vs taggable friends )

How to enable logging everyting in Facebook iOS SDK for debugging purposes?

FBRequest: Why aren't non-text mime type responses allowed? (iOS SDK)

image facebook-ios-sdk

Ambiguous reference to LoginManager Facebook sdk swift

Cannot build facebook ios SDK in Swift Project

How to install facebook sdk for iOS using cocoapods?

Cocoapods use_frameworks! import issue

toUIntMax() and toIntMax() removed from Swift 4