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Facebook iOS SDK installation via CocoaPods

I'm trying to update Facebook-iOS-SDK pod to latest 3.18.0 version but after running command

pod update

I get many error messages:

Installing Facebook-iOS-SDK (3.18.0) [!] /usr/bin/git submodule update --init --depth 1

Submodule 'Bolts-IOS' (git://github.com/BoltsFramework/Bolts-iOS.git) registered for path 'Bolts-IOS'

Submodule 'vendor/OCHamcrest' (git://github.com/hamcrest/OCHamcrest) registered for path 'vendor/OCHamcrest'

Submodule 'vendor/OCMock' (git://github.com/erikdoe/ocmock) registered for path 'vendor/OCMock'

Submodule 'vendor/OHHTTPStubs' (git://github.com/AliSoftware/OHHTTPStubs.git) registered for path 'vendor/OHHTTPStubs'

Submodule 'vendor/appledoc' (git://github.com/tomaz/appledoc.git) registered for path 'vendor/appledoc'

Submodule 'vendor/ios-snapshot-test-case' (git://github.com/facebook/ios-snapshot-test-case.git) registered for path 'vendor/ios-snapshot-test-case'

Submodule 'vendor/xctool' (git://github.com/facebook/xctool.git) registered for path 'vendor/xctool' Cloning into 'Bolts-IOS'...

fatal: reference is not a tree: d679df70933da29463e44e15f4ce4f740d7b5dfd

Cloning into 'vendor/OCHamcrest'...

fatal: reference is not a tree: da09243ef136883fa8cea7ea2d42f48a9256fbdf

Cloning into 'vendor/OCMock'...

fatal: reference is not a tree: 2191c124a93f535056e5cae05d55545a415fcde1

Cloning into 'vendor/OHHTTPStubs'...

fatal: reference is not a tree: c87ded1ac299bc659a7e36bac43cac094bf7adb9

Cloning into 'vendor/appledoc'...

fatal: reference is not a tree: d2e65f8c2faa066acfea2dbb51a5ec2d5364c7ec

Cloning into 'vendor/ios-snapshot-test-case'...

fatal: reference is not a tree: a04ea585a5efb6cce6e5cd17f568eb1e6c472b2c

Cloning into 'vendor/xctool'...

fatal: reference is not a tree: f8720fe7e6af818054328c0325c7e9ce195f7c7c

Unable to checkout 'd679df70933da29463e44e15f4ce4f740d7b5dfd' in submodule path 'Bolts-IOS'

Unable to checkout 'da09243ef136883fa8cea7ea2d42f48a9256fbdf' in submodule path 'vendor/OCHamcrest'

Unable to checkout '2191c124a93f535056e5cae05d55545a415fcde1' in submodule path 'vendor/OCMock'

Unable to checkout 'c87ded1ac299bc659a7e36bac43cac094bf7adb9' in submodule path 'vendor/OHHTTPStubs'

Unable to checkout 'd2e65f8c2faa066acfea2dbb51a5ec2d5364c7ec' in submodule path 'vendor/appledoc'

Unable to checkout 'a04ea585a5efb6cce6e5cd17f568eb1e6c472b2c' in submodule path 'vendor/ios-snapshot-test-case'

Unable to checkout 'f8720fe7e6af818054328c0325c7e9ce195f7c7c' in submodule path 'vendor/xctool'

Any ideas how to solve this?

like image 431
Vitaly Avatar asked Sep 20 '14 21:09


People also ask

What is Facebook SDK for iOS?

The Facebook SDK is what allows mobile app developers to integrate Facebook within a mobile app. SDK stands for software development kit, and it allows for a website or app to integrate with Facebook seamlessly. Examples of what you can do with Facebook SDK include: Facebook Login functionality.

2 Answers

I got the same error with facebook sdk 3.18.2, but when i updated pod to 0.34.1 it's solved.

like image 195
Quyen Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10


As mentioned in this post, Facebook-iOS-SDK has been deprecated (see the message cocoapods give you when you use pod install) You should use:

pod "FBSDKCoreKit";
pod "FBSDKLoginKit";
pod "FBSDKShareKit";
pod "FBSDKMessengerShareKit";
like image 34
aramusss Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10
