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New posts in exit

Does Application.ApplicationExit event work to be notified of exit in non-Winforms apps?

Quit the program when catching error in C#?

c# exception exit

How to prevent running the __main__ guard when using execfile?

python main exit

Quick successful exit from C++ with lots of objects allocated

How do you write a test against a function that calls exit()?

c++ unit-testing exit cppunit

Control press "back button" and disable close the application using a dialog for confirm - wp7

catch clicks on the 'x' button using Tk Tcl

tcl exit tk

Is sys.exit equivalent to raise SystemExit?

python exception exit

VS2008 unit tests - assert method exits

How to expect program exit in gtest?

c++ exit googletest glog

PHP: is it possible to end a script like exit() but from inside a php class/object

php class object exit

iOS - detect when application exits

ios exit quit

Why is sys.exit() causing a traceback?

python cmd exit traceback

What happens to the malloc'ed memory when exit(1) is encountered?

c memory-leaks malloc free exit

Where to "quit" with looper?

How to save the state of an Android CheckBox when the users exits the application?

Clean up before closing the QCoreApplication

qt exit

How to make Java program exit after a couple of seconds

java system exit seconds

call exit(0) in iphone app

ios iphone objective-c exit