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New posts in equality

Does Idris have an equivalent to Agda's ↔

list equality agda idris

How to treat missing & undefined properties as equivalent in Lodash's isEqualWith

javascript lodash equality

Equality inference in F# + records with mutable fields

Are JavaScript equality operators for DOM elements cross-browser?

How can I deep-compare 2 Lua tables, which may or may not have tables as keys?

algorithm lua compare equality

Removal of an item from a python list, how are items compared (e.g. numpy arrays)?

Overriding Equals(): is null comparison redundant when calling base.Equals()?

c# inheritance equality

Example for different equality proofs

coq equality

Why use === when you are sure types are equal?

Implementation of Dictionary where equivalent contents are equal and return the same hash code regardless of order of insertion

Is this line from Underscore.js doing equality checking actually necessary?

javascript equals equality

Is there a way of constraining a functor's parameter signature so the parameter can supply unspecified equality types to a structure?

types module sml equality smlnj

C# generic types equality operator

c# generics equality

What is a good example of an __eq__ method for a collection class?

Comparing floating-point 0

c++ floating-point equality

HashCode implementation for class whose all instances are equal

java hashcode equality

How to test equality of quoted symbols in Scheme?

comparison scheme equality

Making and comparing Sets in Coq

set equality coq

Lists are the same but not considered equal?

Does -eq keyword in power shell test reference equality or use Object.Equals()

.net powershell equality