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XDocument.Save() removes my 

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Calling setProperty with int but getProperty returns Long on google app engine persistent storage

Doctrine2 entities in multiple namespaces

Entity Framework - MySQL - Datetime format issue

Realm.io and compound primary keys

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IValidatableObject passes validation but StringLength is Invalid

Decimal output parameter rounded to integer in EF5.0

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(C#) What is an entity?

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Entity class to Datatable

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Symfony2 serialize entity object to session

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Core Data entity inheritance --> limitations?

Symfony2 - Set a selected value for the entity field

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FunctionImport in entity framework 4 issue

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Symfony2 Error: No mapping file found named

How to add some extra data to a symfony 2 form

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Localized tables and Entity Framework

NestJS : Inject Service into Models / Entities

Entity Framework - Add reference to child object without retrieving entire list of objects?

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Entity Framework 4 - prevent basic caching

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SQLite with EF Code First