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New posts in entity-framework-5

Entity Framework 5 stored procedure with multiple result sets

EntityFramework Migration Specify web.config

Readonly Fields or Properties

Why does Entity Framework 5 query different tables when executing a .ToList() versus a .Count() on the same entity?

Do Entity Framework Provide Utility that convert DB Type To C# Type?

IQueryable for entities .Where( property is in local array)

Entity Framework 5 codefirst / Required and optional foreign key relations are null

Entity Framework POCO Change Tracking Strategies

entity-framework-5 poco

why Entity Framework mapped a table named "People" as an entity named "Person" inside my .edmx file

DbContext.Entry attaching Entity

How To Change Navigation Property Names Into Meaningful Names

Removing a navigation property doesn't update the database

Looking for a Ninject scope that behaves like InRequestScope

entity framework 5, delete one to many relationship?


Entity Framework 5 Code First - How to "start over"?

Data binding directly to a store query (DbSet, DbQuery, DbSqlQuery) is not supported Entity Framework 5

How to Handle Primary Key in Entity Framework 5 Code First

FirstOrDefault call in entity framework is cached but database is changed

The entity type is not part of the model, EF 5

Multiple databases(datacontext) on same server without MS DTC