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New posts in embedded-tomcat-8

Embedded Tomcat using log4j for logging

Multipart file maximum size exception - spring boot embbeded tomcat

Spring MVC (Boot) does not send MIME type for certain files (WOFF, etc)

Spring boot - Rest Call client without embedded tomcat

Can not post form with many (over 256) values

Code works with Embedded Apache Tomcat 8 but not with 9. What's changed?

Spring Boot does not honor @WebServlet

Tomcat 8, Spring Boot, @Configurable LoadTimeWeaving without -javaagent?

@WebServlet annotation doesn't work with Tomcat 8

Spring boot embedded tomcat logs

How to add context.xml file to embedded tomcat server

Invalid character found in the request target in spring boot

The temporary upload location [/tmp/tomcat.4296537502689403143.5000/work/Tomcat/localhost/ROOT] is not valid