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New posts in ehcache

What are the best Cache practices in ehcache or spring cache for spring MVC?

EhCache + Hibernate Cache is not alive

Ehcache shutdown causing an exception while running test suite

Do we need terracotta on top of ehcache for clustering?

java ehcache terracotta

Is it possible to use multiple ehcache.xml (in different projects, same war)?

Many concurrent reads + one write cause ObjectNotFoundException due to ehcache

Why is EhCacheProvider deprecated?

How to cache results of a Spring Data JPA query method without using query cache?

ehcache persist to disk issues

Hibernate 2nd level cache invalidation when another process modifies the database

Spring 3.1 @Cacheable - method still executed

spring caching ehcache

Redis or Ehcache?

Using Spring cache annotation in multiple modules

How to disable the Ehcache update checker?


Hibernate cache strategy

SingletonEhCacheRegionFactory vs EhCacheRegionFactory

java hibernate ehcache

hello world example for ehcache?


Using EhCache in Spring 4 without XML

java spring ehcache

Getting `Can't assign requested address` java.net.SocketException using Ehcache multicast

Memory leak when redeploying application in Tomcat

java memory-leaks ehcache