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New posts in ecmascript-2016

ES6 and ES7 features without babel transpiling in react-native?

Static method is undefined in ES6 classes with a decorator in reactjs

How to match only those numbers which have an even number of `%`s preceding them?

Best way to handle multiple assignment of the same property in javascript

How to filter Object using Array.prototype.filter?

What is the relation between ES6, ES7 (and bigger), ES2015, stage-0, stage-1 (and bigger)?

How to inject in a parent class in Aurelia?

Babel 7 spread syntax in IE/Edge not working

ES7 async/await conceptual issue

Does Angular 5 polyfill async / await for IE11

SyntaxError: Unexpected token static

Override/extend static properties on ES7 classes in React.js

Optional dependencies in webpack

JavaScript exponentiation unary operator design decision

Function firing when it wants to. How should I fix this?

What is after Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7? How well will ES2016 be supported in enterprises?

How to "multicast" an async iterable?

Function similar to Promise.some/any for an unknown amount of promises

Typescript Object destructuring results in "Property assignment expected."

How to avoid hard coded this? in Decorators