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New posts in ecma262

Is there a tool to validate ECMAScript and confirm it is compatible with ECMAScript Language Specification 3rd edition?

Why does `typeof this` return "object"?

javascript call ecma262

Is there an environment-agnostic way to detect Javascript Host Objects?

Why don't we just stop using the word JavaScript, in favor of ECMAScript?

javascript ecma262

Math.pow with negative numbers and non-integer powers

Javascript maximum size for types?

What is the scope of a function in Javascript/ECMAScript?

Why is there a large difference in readability between the C# and ECMAScript specifications?

c# javascript ecma262

When did all browsers start supporting the String.replace(regexp, replacement_function)?

When will v8 implement ECMAScript 5?

IDE for ECMAScript-262 with in IDE execution / debugging for node.js/V8

Why JSON allows only string to be a key?

javascript json ecma262

What's a valid left-hand-side expression in JavaScript grammar?

javascript grammar ecma262

EBNF for ECMAScript?

javascript bnf ebnf ecma262

Is there an i18n (Intl) shim for JavaScript?

Relation between [[Prototype]] and prototype in JavaScript

javascript ecma262

Indirect function call in JavaScript

javascript ecma262

Which (javascript) environments support ECMAscript 5 strict mode? (aka "use strict")

EcmaScript 5 browser implementation

Is JavaScript's double equals (==) always symmetric?