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New posts in eclipse-plugin

Embedding JARs in an OSGi Bundle in Eclipse

OSGi-bundles not activating when run by Tycho surefire

Why does resolveBinding() return null even though I setResolveBindings(true) on my ASTParser?

DDMS Source / Extending DDMS

Cannot find RadRails views in Aptana Studio 3

Eclipse command line formatting of Java code

java eclipse eclipse-plugin

Correctly initializing and retrieving preferences in a Xtext-based Eclipse Plugin

Not able to see Axis2 Plugin for Eclipse

How to programmatically access JDT icons with an eclipse plugin?


How to use eclipse with ssh, so that the remote projects can be edited by local eclipse?

Adding a view on perspective in particular folder

how to remove google sign in button in eclipse

How to get resources path from an Eclipse plugin

eclipse eclipse-plugin

Best practice to add a maven dependency to an Eclipse RCP Plugin

What is the best way to serialize an EMF model instance?

eclipse existing maven project add jpa support?

GWT/ Eclipse: ClassNotFoundException com/google/gwt/dev/Compiler

Need a guide on Eclipse + Weblogic for developing Java EE web application

How to resolve Git error: "Couldn't create temporary repository"

eclipse git eclipse-plugin

Where can I find the p2 repository specification?

eclipse-plugin p2