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New posts in eclipse-juno

eclipse Juno custom workbench colors

eclipse eclipse-juno

--launcher.XXMaxPermSize appears twice in eclipse.ini

Android Test Project root directory issue in Eclipse

Getting SVN Commit Eclipse history

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Difference between "Eclipse Indigo" and "Eclipse Juno"

How do upgrade to GWT 2.5 in Eclipse

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Reset Eclipse perspective layout

Eclipse PMD Can't find basic.xml

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Eclipse opens blank workspace

Bug in Eclipse Juno & Neon - cannot open Console view again

Unable to dock perspective bar on the left in Eclipse Juno

eclipse eclipse-juno

How do I make eclipse format my tml files like I want them to be?

Eclipse quick fix dialogue hides bottom line

eclipse eclipse-juno

Redo-shortcut vanished - eclipse on OSX

GUI Builder for Eclipse Juno

"Main type not specified" with GWT and Eclipse Juno 4.2

java eclipse gwt eclipse-juno

Swing plugin for Eclipse Juno 4.2 [duplicate]

GCM: why my application crash in GCMRegistrar.checkDevice(this);

Target runtime JBoss v4.2 is not defined

eclipse-juno jboss-4.2.x

Eclipse Juno red minimize and maximize buttons on Linux