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Is there a reliable way to detect POSIXlt objects representing a time which does not exist due to DST?

r datetime dst

Find out timezone offset

date lua timezone dst

Python DST & Time Zone Detection After Addition

How to get UTC Offset during DST time in .NET

c# .net datetime utc dst

Node JS current DST rules for Chile

javascript node.js date utc dst

Ways to deal with Daylight Savings time with Quartz Cron Trigger

cron quartz-scheduler dst

Dealing with Eastern Standard Time (EST) and Eastern Daylight Savings (EDT) in R

r date time dst

How to detect change of system time in Linux?

c++ linux timezone dst ntp

Android AlarmManager and DST/Timezone/Time change?

Daylight Saving Time start and end dates in Ruby/Rails

Get timezone offset for a given location

php timezone location dst

does php's date_default_timezone_set adjust to daylight saving?

php date timezone dst

Offset time for DST in one specific timezone using JavaScript

javascript timezone dst

Windows 7 daylight savings bug?

How to schedule an Oracle dbms_scheduler Job timezone and DST safely

PHP Daylight savings conundrum

php datetime dst

How do java.time API determines zone rules changes by the government?

java datetime time dst java-time

moment.js, timezones and daylight savings

Get Daylight Saving Transition Dates For Time Zones in C

c timezone dst

What is the System.TimeZoneInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime equivalent in NodaTime?

datetime timezone dst nodatime