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New posts in do-while

Do if(){ } while() statement

Haskell - Do while loop

haskell while-loop do-while

sum of digits till the sum is one-digit number

java do-while

how does do{} while(0) work in macro?

c do-while

do-while is the fastest loop in php?

php performance do-while

syntax error near unexpected token `<'

bash shell do-while

Cannot use variable in while clause that is declared inside the do/while loop

c# do-while

In what situations can do-while be more efficient than while?

Java do while, while

java loops do-while ambiguity

Why does the do-while loop not run as expected in this Java program?

java do-while

A very simple java do...while loop [duplicate]

java do-while

Why the huge time difference between while and do..while in JavaScript

Does Linux Bash have a do-while loop? [duplicate]

linux bash do-while

Do While Loops Versus For Loops in Java for Counting

What are some better ways to avoid the do-while(false); hack in Java?

java do-while

The do-while statement [duplicate]

javascript do-while

Simple do while loop using while(true);

c loops do-while

Java loop efficiency

Why do { } while(condition); needs semicolon at the end of it but while(condition) {} doesn't? [closed]

c++ c while-loop do-while

Why use a "do while" loop? [closed]