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New posts in django-templates

Django template filter to create an list of items that join on commas and end on "and"

django django-templates

How to display string which contains django template variables?

using django session inside templates

twitter bootstrap href button does not work

Django Multiple template inheritance

Receiving error: Reverse for with arguments '()' and keyword arguments not found

Django form EmailField doesn't accept the css attribute

django tables how to detect if table is empty

Cannot hide "Save and add another" button in Django Admin

Controller logic and template logic, where do you draw the line with pagination?

How do I list all available context variables?

Why is it not sensible to store Django templates within their associated apps?

other_dict must be a mapping (dictionary-like) object

django django-templates

Django TemplateResponseMixin

Use field label as placeholder with django-widget-tweaks

how to get request.user in a TemplateTag

django django-templates

get key value from a dictionary django/python

How to load CSS in Django templates?

css django django-templates

Django - A server error occurred. Please contact the administrator

Twig for Django