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New posts in django-serializer

Django Rest API: How to get rid of 'UUID' in json when serializing models?

Hide password field in GET but not POST in Django REST Framework where depth=1 in serializer

Django Rest Framework - how to create custom error messages for all ModelSerializer fields?

How to call serializer's create() method from one serializer

In Django REST control serializer does not automatically remove spaces?

how to mention password field in serializer?

QuerySet object has no attribute 'user' on Django Rest Framework

Extend user model Django REST framework 3.x.x

Invalid data. Expected a dictionary, but got str error with serializer field in Django Rest Framework

How to serialize custom user model in DRF

django-rest-framework serializer different fields in multiple views

How to serialize a one to many relation in django-rest using Model serializer?

how to create serializer for an enum field in django rest framework

Create JSON Response in Django with Model

SerializerClass field on Serializer save from primary key

Change a field in a Django REST Framework ModelSerializer based on the request type?

ModelSerializer is extremely slow in Django REST framework

'dict' object has no attribute '_meta' on Django Serializer

How to dynamically remove fields from serializer output

AssertionError: `HyperlinkedIdentityField` requires the request in the serializer context