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New posts in django-serializer

Customize Json Response in django rest framework

Pass json and deserialize form in django

How to use Primary Key In a Serializer in Django

The serializer field might be named incorrectly and not match any attribute or key on the `GenericRelatedObjectManager` instance

`basename` argument not specified, and could ' \

Getting attribute of field in serializer (django rest framework)

django rest framework get request in serializer create method

Django Rest Framework Serializer charfield not updating when source is given

Saving with minimum number of database queries (minimizing save method call)

Model field length constraint with validation response in serializer

django rest framework serialize a dictionary without create a model

DRF - How to change serializer.PrimaryKeyRelatedField's filter lookup key with condition?

django serialize foreign key objects

Django JSON custom serializing losing datetime type

How to have different results for 'list' (players/) and 'detail' (players/{id})?

DRF Object of type 'User' is not JSON serializable

DjangoRestFramework - How to access other fields of a OneToOneField reverse relationship using a model serializer?

How to update multiple records at once (bulk update) in django API

serialize model object with related objects to JSON

django django-serializer

How to display only values in Django Serializers?