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New posts in django-rest-viewsets

'collections.OrderedDict' object has no attribute 'pk' - django rest framework

Django REST API accept list instead of dictionary in post request

How to set a method in Django rest framework's ViewSet to not require authentication

Django-filters does not work with the Viewset

Global Exception Handling in Django-rest-framework

Filtering Django ModelViewSet List From Url Parameter

How can i have two models in one serializer in django

Django DRF add request.user to modelserializer

Overriding Djangorest ViewSets Delete Behavior

Django rest api - searching a method field with the search filter

What's the difference between a Viewsets `create()` and `update()` and a Serializers `create()` and `update()`?

How to Not allow the PUT method at all but allow PATCH in a DRF ViewSet?