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New posts in django-models

Validating two fields at the same time

django django-models

IntegrityError: foreign key violation upon delete

In Django I have a complex query where I need only the unique values through a foreign key, is this possible?

python django django-models

Django ModelForm

Modeling accounts for different types of users in Django

django django-models

Select_related() backwards relation - auto model population

django django-models

Django model i18n of content

Django and get_absolute_url

Automatically add constants for each of the choices in a Django model

python django django-models

In test cases(unit-testing), Django pre_save signal can not be caught

Prevent Django from updating identity column in MSSQL

Django: Why is Foo.objects.extra(...) So Much Faster Than Foo.objects.raw?

Django - Reverse Engineering the Admin site's "Add Foreign Key" button

Pagedown(markdown editor) with Django

valueError in modelforms

MultipleChoiceField not showing stored values in Django Admin

Extending the user profile in Django. Admin creation of users

How do I know if django model instance was modified?

django django-models

Is there a clever way to get the previous/next item using the Django ORM?

python django django-models

django select_related - when to use it