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New posts in django-allauth

decide where to go to after connecting with django-allauth

Django AllAuth Installation

Over-riding Django-allauth login/ registration urls with custom url/ pages

Accept username OR email for logging in with django-allauth

django-rest-auth authentication not working

django allauth custom messages: Styling messages with html/css

Allauth verified user


Django 2.0 : Application labels aren't unique, duplicates: auth

ImportError: No module named 'django.contrib.sitesallauth' in django-allauth

ImportError: No module named allauth

django django-allauth

How can I figure out why django-allauth isn't sending a confirmation e-mail?

How to customise user profile fields in allauth after signup

django django-allauth

Creating custom fields with Django allauth

How to setup email translation with Django Allauth

How can I change the "account already exists" message in Django allauth?

django django-allauth

How to find user's patreon pledge tier using django-allauth for authentication

django-allauth: rearrange form fields (change order)

django forms django-allauth

Django 1.8 - KeyError 'request'

django-allauth: custom user generates IntegrityError at /accounts/signup/ (custom fields are nulled or lost)

django-allauth, how can I only allow signup/login through social?