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New posts in django-admin

Django: redirect admin logout to allauth login

Django Admin list_display add column [count records of related ForeignKey]

How do I customize Django's Flatpage to display a new field on the change list page of the admin?

django django-admin

How to prevent Django Admin Users from changing other Admin Users' profile data?

Django ModelAdmin queryset override doesn't work

Django no ForeignKey...But it's a ManyToManyField

Filter 2 models with ContentType in Django

In Django, how to override the 'Save and continue' feature?

django django-admin

Ordering the display items by row-id in Django-Admin

django django-admin

display different list_display depends on user [closed]

django django-admin

Django 1.7 Admin - How to hide timezone warning?

Django Admin List_display change background color of cell

How i can Change the default table name in the admin interface in django

django django-admin

Free Rails 3 scaffold templates?

Link To Foreignkey in Admin Causes AttributeError When Debug Is False

Django admin action-select checkbox removal?


How can I turn off column sorting in Django-admin tables or specify WHICH columns are sortable?

django django-admin

Django Admin change widget type

django django-admin

Cannot hide "Save and add another" button in Django Admin

Is there a way to override the delete_selected method in ModelAdmin but keep confirmation?