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New posts in django-1.8

Detect whether code is being run in the context of migrate/makemigrations command

How to prevent the same task to be executed by celery?

Selenium WebDriverException: Reached error page

Can Django trans tags include HTML tags?

Django - 'datetime.date' object has no attribute 'tzinfo'

How can i get all models in django 1.8

Django AttributeError 'tuple' object has no attribute 'regex'

Annotate with value of latest related in Django 1.8 using conditional annotation

Error creating new content types. Please make sure contenttypes is migrated before trying to migrate apps individually

"Models aren't loaded yet" error while populating in Django 1.8 or later

python django django-1.8

"Fixed default value provided" after upgrading to Django 1.8

django django-1.8

Django app works fine, but getting a TEMPLATE_* warning message

python django django-1.8

Selecting specific fields using select_related in Django

How to redo a migration on django 1.8 after using --fake

auth_user error with Django 1.8 and syncdb / migrate

Not able to create super user with Django manage.py

What should I use instead of syncdb in Django 1.9?

python django django-1.8

Update to Django 1.8 - AttributeError: django.test.TestCase has no attribute 'cls_atomics'