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Devise custom authentication without a password

ruby-on-rails devise

Devise Sign In issue with jQuery Mobile and Rails

Preventing password reuse with Devise

ruby-on-rails devise

The error on "Recaptcha" when updating devise to version 2.1.0

How to expose resource in devise to another controller?

ruby-on-rails ruby devise

Devise, Omniauth and Facebook integration session error

"Can't mass-assign protected attributes" with nested attributes

How can I blacklist usernames with Devise?

Rails landing page routing and devise

devise forgot password setup

ruby-on-rails ruby devise

ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError while using devise for registration

current user id saved from _form or controller

ruby-on-rails ruby devise

Devise sign up either by email or by mobile number

ruby-on-rails devise

Remove confirmable from Devise (Rails)

ruby-on-rails devise

Devise_token_auth conflicts?

"No verification key available" when attempting to access API secured by Devise JWT

Devise - Automatically delete account that hasn't been confirmed after a defined period of time

How-to: Devise after_sign_up_redirect?

rails s gets error for devise configuration to send mail

From Rails devise auth to backbone & api?