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New posts in deflate

Trying to understand zlib/deflate in PNG files

Zlib compression Using Deflate and Inflate classes in Java

Is there a GZIP merger that merges two GZIP files without decompressing them?

merge gzip deflate

Can I POST data with python requests lib with http-gzip or deflate compression?

python http gzip deflate

Is there any performance hit involved in choosing gzip over deflate for http compression?

GZIPOutputStream: Increase compression level

java compression deflate

MsgPack for compressing json data, why not using gzip/deflate?

JavaScript DEFLATE Implementation [closed]

How to "deflate" a ViewStub?

Why are major web sites using gzip?

Does .NET's HttpWebResponse uncompress automatically GZiped and Deflated responses?

Easy HTTP requests with gzip/deflate compression

http node.js https gzip deflate

Why do real-world servers prefer gzip over deflate encoding?

How to DEFLATE with a command line tool to extract a git object?

git blob deflate

Deflate compression browser compatibility and advantages over GZIP

Why use deflate instead of gzip for text files served by Apache?