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Query dbpedia to find possible contexts to disambiguate a word

Ask if SPARQL resource exists

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SPARQL query using Jena producing no results — but works online

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path between two resources

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How to get abstract and thumbnail of a Wikipedia article from article DBPedia?

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How I can know the equivalent DBPedia and Wikidata properties

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Query for best match to a string with SPARQL?

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A robust search on DBpedia by title

DBPedia: What's the meaning of '__1' (double underscores) in URIs?


Wiki quotes API?

sparql queries with round brackets throw exception

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How to fix 'TypeError: name.toUpperCase is not a function' in axios

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Can't get this SPARQL query to work

is there any API to get image from wiki page

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Retrieve dbpedia subject categories with SPARQL

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Getting a list of American physicists from DBpedia using SPARQL

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Order SPARQL query results by length of a string?

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how to remove duplicates in sparql query

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