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How to migration change columns type?

Limit sql result on dbal

php sql doctrine dbal

Unrecognized option "mapping_types" by multiple connections

php symfony doctrine-orm dbal

Enabling Doctrine DBAL commands in Symfony app/console

Retrieving boolean values with Doctrine's DBAL in Symfony

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DBAL Symfony 2 SQL Statements

php symfony dbal

Can Doctrine DBAL be mixed with ORM Query Builder?

Deleting multiple rows at once with Doctrine DBAL, is it possible?

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DBAL cardinality violation error

php mysql sql doctrine-orm dbal

What does Doctrine's Database Abstraction Layer offer over simple PDO?

Symfony 2 Console command for creating custom Database

Doctrine (DBAL) Error Handling while Executing Multiple Queries

php sql pdo doctrine dbal

Need a simple ORM or DBAL for existing PHP app

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Incorrect mapping of mysql tinyint(2) as boolean with doctrine

Symfony2 / Doctrine make $statement->execute() not "buffer" all values

Symfony : how to set SSL parameters in Doctrine DBAL configuration (YAML)?

Doctrine schema update always try to add NOT NULL

Doctrine 2 DBAL expressions in update or insert methods

Doctrine custom data type

mysql symfony orm doctrine dbal