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New posts in datetimeoffset

Json.NET deserializing DateTimeOffset value fails for DateTimeOffset.MinValue without timezone

Entity Framework Mapping DateTimeOffset to SQL Server DateTime

Remove Time Zone Offset from DateTimeOffset?

c# timezone datetimeoffset

Difference between System.DateTime and System.DateTimeOffset

How do I update a column's offset in SQL Server?

Is DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.DateTime equivalent to DateTime.UtcNow?

Unit testing NHibernate w/ SQLite and DateTimeOffset mappings

Is it possible to serialize DateTimeOffset to zulu time string with Json.NET?

c# json.net datetimeoffset

Python: third Friday of a month

Working with Time Zones in SSRS

How to convert a UTC DateTimeOffset to a DateTime that uses the systems timezone

How to migrate DateTime values to DateTimeOffset in SQL Server?

how to convert string to DateTime as UTC as simple as that

c# datetime datetimeoffset

How does DateTimeOffset deal with daylight saving time?

Does Java 8's new Java Date Time API take care of DST?

Convert UTC DateTime to DateTimeOffset

The UTC time represented when the offset is applied must be between year 0 and 10,000. Parameter name: offset

Difference between 'DateTime' and 'DateTimeOffset' [duplicate]

c# datetime datetimeoffset

Convert DateTimeOffset to DateTime and add offset to this DateTime

c# datetime datetimeoffset

Why does Json.NET DeserializeObject change the timezone to local time?

c# json.net datetimeoffset