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New posts in datamapper

Is parsing a json naively into a Python class or struct secure?

python json datamapper

Master / Slave switch in the Zend Framework application layer

Datamapper: Sorting results through association

Separating business logic from PHP Doctrine 2

What's the significant difference between active record and data mapper based ORMs?

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Case insensitive like (ilike) in Datamapper with Postgresql

ruby postgresql datamapper

Deploy a simple test app with Sinatra + DataMapper + Postgres + Heroku returns: Installing do_sqlite3 (0.10.7) error

Complex DataMapper query association

ruby datamapper

PHP DataMapper with multiple persistence layers

Displaying Error Message with Sinatra

What does a Data Mapper typically look like?

php orm datamapper

datamapper multi-field unique index

ruby indexing datamapper

database.yml &references not working

Data Mapper Pattern: Complexe query from Service Layer

How does the ActiveRecord pattern differ from the Domain Object or Data Mapper pattern?

LoadError: no such file to load -- dm-sqlite-adapter

ruby sqlite sinatra datamapper

Handling relationships with the Data Mapper pattern

Adding an ORM to a Sinatra app; Is there an ideal one with less issues and good performance?

ruby orm sinatra datamapper

Why does active record pattern not work with rich domain models?

Using the Data Mapper Pattern, Should the Entities (Domain Objects) know about the Mapper?