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New posts in database-design

How to design MongoDB data model to store Event Sourcing events

Lossless decomposition vs Dependency Preservation

Understanding INTERLEAVE in Cloud Spanner INDEX (indices)

Designing a SaaS on a single database, multi-tenant (SQL)

Database design for tracking and sharing expenses

Modular Application Database Structure

Shared Purpose tables in database design ( how would *you* implement a question/answer facility )


Process dimension fails with message "A FileStore error from WriteFile occurred"?

Is there a data sizer tool available for SQL Server 2005?

How to Maintain Foreign Key Constraint Across Different Databases?

Customers and suppliers database design issue


Database - Data Versioning (followup)

In a StackOverflow clone, is it acceptable for Questions and Answers to be separate tables?

database database-design

Database schema question

Creating a simple Non repudiation/fraud proof system

Is there an SQL database that can rollback in time?

SQL Architecture: Is this a justified case to have only one table storing multiple entity types? (using a self JOIN)

MySQL PRIMARY KEYs: UUID / GUID vs BIGINT (timestamp+random)

NULL permitted in Primary Key - why and in which DBMS?

Best pattern for storing (product) attributes in SQL Server