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New posts in data.table

R data.table with rollapply

r data.table

R Calculating Number of Adjacent Identical Values in Data Frame or Array

R : How to get a single element in data.table

r data.table

Set display order of data.table `(group, -value.1)` while preserving key `id`

r printing data.table key

What am I doing wrong with this long-to-wide reshape?

Ifelse behavior within data.table (R)

r data.table

cbind specific columns from multiple data.tables efficiently

r data.table cbind

How to calculate deviations from weighted mean in data.table?

r data.table

Merge/Join Data Frame / Table based on criteria - > or <

r merge dataframe data.table

In R's data.table, how is the key of a data.table preserved into subsets referenced using .SD?

r data.table

R: How can I read a CSV file with data.table::fread, that has a comma as decimal and point as thousand separator="."

data.table not accepting 'by' and 'format' (for date) at the same time

r data.table

Combining "by" and "on" to join and create summary column for data.table

r data.table

Don't want original data.table to be modified when passed to a function

r ggplot2 data.table

Optimizing subsetting with data.table in a loop

r loops data.table

Repeated data.table fread and fwrite causes "Permission denied" error

Any way to force fread() of data.table not to stop on empty lines?

r data.table

Speed-up data.table group by using multiple cores and parallel programming

r data.table mclapply

How to speed up subset by groups

r performance data.table dplyr

Convert *some* column classes in data.table

r data.table