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New posts in data-modeling

Define Generic Data Model for Custom Product Types

High-Level Design Patterns or Not Reinventing The Wheel

How should I model data accuracy/confidence in a database?

Is there any way or any framework in python to create an object model from a xml?

Best database design for a "sensor system"

Are there any data modeling exercises for Cassandra like Retwis for Redis?

SQL database Structure

DSL in Clojure that replaces an object-oriented software solution?

In Neo4j, what level of specificity should be used when granularity level can be unlimited?

neo4j data-modeling

How to optimize query to compute row-dependent datetime relationships?

Are dimension tables and domain tables the same thing?

sql data-modeling

The role of Aggregate roots in a REST API (DDD)

Is DynamoDB right for my 1M events-per-day scenario where I need access to both records and summary (aggregate) information

Thinking in AppEngine

How to model this[Networks, details in post] in database for efficiency and ease of use?

database data-modeling

a layman's term for identifying relationship

Got a table of people, who I want to link to each other, many-to-many, with the links being bidirectional

Survey Data Model

Synchronize model in MySQL Workbench

Logical Model versus Domain Model