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Synchronize model in MySQL Workbench

After reading the documentation for MySQL Workbench I got the impression that it's possible to alter a database in the server (e.g. add a new column) and later incorporate the DDL changes into your EER diagram. At least, it has a Synchronize Model option in the Database menu. I found it a nice feature because I could use a graphic modelling tool without becoming its prisoner.

In practice, when I run such tool I'm offered these options:

Model             Update  Source
================  ======  ======
my_database_name  -->     ! N/A
   my_table_name  -->     ! N/A
N/A               -->     ! my_database_name
   N/A            -->     ! my_table_name

I can't really understand it, but leaving it as is I basically get:

DROP SCHEMA my_database_name
CREATE SCHEMA my_database_name
CREATE TABLE my_table_name

This is a dump of the model that overwrites all remote changes in my_table_name.

Am I misunderstanding the feature?

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Álvaro González Avatar asked Apr 15 '10 14:04

Álvaro González

3 Answers

Here is the real bug that you can follow. http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=61211 And there is a workaround from one of the mysql QA people:

A workaround is to open the Scripting Shell, inspect the name of the schema and make sure that the oldName field contains the same name as what you're trying to synchronize against. Commands for that are:

# print current oldName value
print grt.root.wb.doc.physicalModels[0].catalog.schemata[0].oldName
# change the oldName field value
grt.root.wb.doc.physicalModels[0].catalog.schemata[0].oldName = "newname"
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Ari Maniatis Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 05:09

Ari Maniatis

Honestly? I think it's a bug. I've run into the same problem on several occasions and I'm not sure what the issue is.

I suggest checking the bug repository and, if you don't find anything, reporting this as a new one.

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Peter Bailey Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 05:09

Peter Bailey

I always use the synchronization successful several times! But today I have the same problem - and wonder way?

So I study the BUG-Report by MySQL and find the problem...

Don't use caps or underscore in the name of the database

So I am:

  • rename my database,
  • change the name of the model in the "Model Overview"
  • and change the name of the Default Schema, use in the "Connection Options".

And it works! ... now I have to change the name of the database in the applicationconfig ...

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Sarah Trees Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09

Sarah Trees