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New posts in dagger-hilt

Hilt Fragments must be attached to an @AndroidEntryPoint Activity. Found: class androidx.fragment.app.testing.FragmentScenario$EmptyFragmentActivity

Provide preferences datastore with Hilt

jetpack compose viewModel() is giving error "has no zero argument constructor" with hilt

How to use Hilt to inject a safe-args argument into a viewmodel?

Injecting a repository into a Service in Android using Hilt

Why would I use Android Hilt (Dagger2) when Koin is available

android koin dagger-hilt

How to pass runtime parameters to a ViewModel's constructor when using Hilt for dependency injection?

Does Hilt replace Dagger2?

ViewModel has no zero argument constructor hilt Java

Dagger-Hilt: @ViewModelInject is not injecting MyViewModel and crash?

Hilt using in android library

android ViewModelFactory with hilt

android dagger-hilt

How to create and use a Room Database in Kotlin [Dagger-Hilt]

How to mock the view model with Hilt for unit testing fragments?

Hilt Unsupported metadata version in Kotlin

DefaultActivityViewModelFactory not found

Inject context with Hilt: this field leaks a context object

android kotlin dagger-hilt

Hilt Injection not working with BroadcastReceiver

Android WorkManager Worker can not be injected using Dagger Hilt `@WorkerInject`

SingletonComponent is missing a parent declaration

android dagger-hilt