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is there any way in Neo4J using CONTAINS to compare case-insensitive string?

neo4j cypher

Cypher 'Node Already Exists' issue with MERGE

neo4j cypher

What does a comma in a Cypher query do?

neo4j cypher

Neo4J relationships with time constraints

Combining Neo4j and Elasticsearch

elasticsearch neo4j cypher

Neo4j, Cypher: How to update a property name?

neo4j cypher

Using Cypher to return nested, hierarchical JSON from a tree

neo4j cypher

how to remove Neo4j nodes with duplicate properties?

neo4j cypher

Return unique nodes in Cypher path query

neo4j cypher

cypher subquery: get node with max/min value and process it

neo4j cypher

Neo4j Cypher - Excluding relationships by type in cypher query?

neo4j cypher

Order nodes by relationship count --> ThisShouldNotHappenError

neo4j cypher

How to get a list of node properties with Cypher in Neo4j?

neo4j cypher

Submitting multiple semi-colon separated Cypher statements through Neo4j Browser

neo4j cypher

Simple recursive CYPHER query

neo4j cypher

is there a way to get length of a string in Neo4j cypher?

neo4j cypher

Can't MERGE with null values; 'Cannot merge node using null property value' in neo4j

neo4j cypher

Deleting all nodes and relationships in neo4j using cypher exceeds heap space

neo4j cypher

How can I use group by function in neo4j?

neo4j group-by cypher