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New posts in custom-server-controls

ASP.NET Server Control Property Attribute must be required

Is it possible to force a WebControl to render as a <div> instead of a <span>?

Viewstate vs Postback

Render Self-Closing Tag in ASP.NET custom control derived from Control

access WebControls markable properties in constructor asp net

reduce code lines saving in viewstate properties

ASP.NET Custom Controls - Alternatives to PostBack?

How to embed JQuery into custom server control

What is the difference between "ASP.NET AJAX Server Control" and "ASP.NET Server Control" project types? [closed]

ASP.NET inject javascript in user control nested in update panel

Inheriting from Control vs. Web Control

Custom Server Control causes full postbacks inside of UpdatePanel

GetScriptDescriptors() method for two .js files : strange unexpected behavior

ASP.NET 2.0 add styles dynamically to page in a control

How do I enable ViewState for child custom controls when disabled in parent?

Should I buy Obout controls? [closed]

How Do I Change the render behavior of my custom control from being a span

ASP.NET Custom Control - What is the best way to include embedded CSS reference only once?

ASP Nested Tags in a Custom User Control

How to take control of style sheets in ASP.NET Themes with the StylePlaceHolder and Style control