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New posts in curl-multi

Using cURL Handle as Array Key

php curl curl-multi

Is curl_multi_exec() a blocking call?

php curl libcurl curl-multi

curl_multi_exec stops if one url is 404, how can I change that?

php curl curl-multi

php curl multi error handler

curl_errno returns 0 instead of 6

php curl libcurl curl-multi

PHP cURL multi_exec delay between requests

php - multiple requests with curl (NOT 'multi-threaded')

php curl curl-multi

How to know which URL failed in curl_multi_exec?

php curl curl-multi

Get all the URLs using multi curl

php curl curl-multi

PHP curl_multi_getcontent returns null

php curl curl-multi

How to reliably reproduce curl_multi timeout while testing public proxies

How can I use cURL to open multiple URLs simultaneously with PHP?

php mysql curl curl-multi

Have to call curl_close() twice before handle is closed and cookie jar can be read. Is this a bug?

php curl curl-multi

Pulling data from API, memory growth

php json curl-multi

Faster alternative to file_get_contents()

Asynchronous HTTP requests in PHP

How to fix curl: (35) Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s)

php ssl curl https curl-multi

understanding php curl_multi_exec

php curl curl-multi

PHP Multiple Curl Requests

php curl curl-multi