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New posts in css-animations

Javascript shake html element

Workaround for Safari bug when an element with animated "translate(%)" is resized

CSS transition ignores width

Masking an object to make it appear as if it goes behind the item it's rotating around

html css css-animations

How to run a CSS3 keyframe animation once, and only when triggered?

Chained transform animation doesn't animate

How to smoothly add dynamically created element to the DOM using CSS3 only?

CSS Rotation, Translate, Scale Animation Bug

safari css-animations

CSS Animation for transform does not work properly when using an initial keyframe with matrix3d value

How to fix broken transform-origin on iOS11 and macOS10.12 Safari?

ios css safari css-animations

Is it safe to remove a property from the `0%` keyframe of a CSS animation if it is already declared in the class the animation is applied to?

css css-animations

How can I get working keyframe animation?

Do CSS animations work on strict time basis?

How to slow down CSS animation on hovering element without jumps?

html css css-animations

Can we restrict CSS keyframe animations to a scope

css scope css-animations

Pure CSS countdown animation

CSS transition doesn't animate when immediately changing size via JavaScript

add delayed time in css3 animation

css css-animations

How to make background-image scroll continuously horizontally without a break in animation?

html css css-animations

How to translateX, translateY to a certain coordinate rather than a relative point?