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New posts in crc32

Why is this CRC32 implementation in C# so slow?

c# .net crc32

How can I speed up crc32 calculation?

c crc32

Calculate a CRC / CRC32 hash / checksum on a binary file in Python using a buffer

Is the uniqueness of CRC-32-hashes sufficient to uniquely identify strings containing filenames?

CRC-32 implementation in java.util.zip.CRC32

java crc crc32

How can I calculate a CRC32 as a signed integer in C#?

c# hash crc32 hashalgorithm

Python find CRC32 of string

python crc32

crc32 decrypt short string

c# vb.net encryption crc32

CRC32+Size vs MD5/SHA1

hash md5 storage crc32

What is a running CRC?

crc crc32

Python CRC-32 woes

python crc32 bzip2

Difficulty comparing generated and google cloud storage provided CRC32c checksums

the fastest way to create checksum for large files in python

Difference between CRC and hash method (MD5, SHA1)

security hash md5 crc crc32

How to check CRC32 of NSData? [duplicate]

iphone crc32

Test vectors for CRC32C


Calculate CRC32, MD5 and SHA1 of zip content without decompression in Python

python hash md5 sha1 crc32

Speed up my indexes in MySQL - CRC or MD5?

php mysql crc32

How can i receive the wrong Ethernet frames and disable the CRC/FCS calcul?