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New posts in cran

Sync and maintain the same installed packages across multiple workstations

Storing a large but low-rank matrix efficiently

r matrix rank cran

test for whether package is being checked by CRAN

r cran

Read system TMP dir in R

r cross-platform cran

Error when uploading package to CRAN incoming: 550 access denied

r ftp cran

S3 style dispatching for S3 objects using formal method definitions

r cran s4

How to install the e1071 package in R 2.15.0

r cran

CRAN finds an warning that R CMD check --as-cran does not

r windows package cran

R CMD check does not respect selective code evaluation in knitr code chunks

r knitr cran r-markdown

list all functions on CRAN

r cran

C++11 with R and Rcpp: supported by CRAN policies?

c++ r c++11 rcpp cran

available.packages by publication date

r cran

CRAN/ Bioconductor package installs fail: Error: Line starting '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLI ...' is malformed

Plotting neural network model from nnet package R cran

r plot neural-network cran

Custom package using parallel or doParallel for multiple OS as a CRAN package

r parallel-processing cran

Why was package 'epicalc' removed from CRAN? [closed]

r cran

R, passing variables to a system command

r shell variables cran

R CRAN Check fail when using parallel functions

r cran

R CMD check options for "more rigorous testing" - 2.15.0

r cran

Unload a package and all dependencies

r package cran devtools