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New posts in context-free-grammar

What are terminal and nonterminal symbols?

chomsky hierarchy and programming languages

Is JavaScript a Context Free Language?

How to define a grammar for a programming language

Converting ambiguous grammar to unambiguous

How can I determine if a language is context free or not?

Why is bottom-up parsing more common than top-down parsing?

Purpose of FIRST and FOLLOW sets in LL(1) parsers?

How do Java, C++, C#, etc. get around this particular syntactic ambiguity with < and >?

Why does C's BNF grammar allow declarations with an empty sequence of init-declarators?

chomsky hierarchy in plain english

Is there a standard C++ grammar?

What are the differences between PEGs and CFGs?

What is the difference between LALR and LR parsing? [duplicate]

Context-free grammars versus context-sensitive grammars?

Is D's grammar really context-free?

What programming languages are context-free?

The recognizing power of "modern" regexes

Difference between an LL and Recursive Descent parser?

What is a Context Free Grammar?