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New posts in condition-variable

How to wake a std::thread while it is sleeping

How to use a condition_variable to really wait_for no longer than a certain duration

How do I deal with the system clock changing while waiting on a std::condition_variable?

Event notification without mutex

Using condition variable in a producer-consumer situation

condition variable - why calling pthread_cond_signal() before calling pthread_cond_wait() is a logical error?

Why does Python threading.Condition() notify() require a lock?

Compilation error : 'this' cannot be implicitly captured in this context

What is the difference between std::condition_variable::wait_for and std::condition_variable::wait_until?

Stopping C++ 11 std::threads waiting on a std::condition_variable

What is the best way to wait on multiple condition variables in C++11?

What's the difference between notify_all() and notify_one() of std::condition_variable?

threading.Condition vs threading.Event

Differences between Conditional variables, Mutexes and Locks

When is a condition variable needed, isn't a mutex enough?

C++11 thread-safe queue

Calling pthread_cond_signal without locking mutex

Do I have to acquire lock before calling condition_variable.notify_one()?

Why do pthreads’ condition variable functions require a mutex?