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What computer science topic am I trying to describe?


How do I generate sentences from a formal grammar?

What algorithms do popular C++ compilers use for std::sort and std::stable_sort?

Do theoretical computer science topics have "real world" development applications?

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Programming from scratch [closed]

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What undergraduate computer science course best prepares programmers for the workplace? [closed]

Does an algorithm exist which can determine whether one regular language matches any input another regular language matches?

Rules Engine vs Expert System

What does it mean for two binary trees to be isomorphic?

In Natural language processing, what is the purpose of chunking?

computer-science nlp

Why are NP problems called that way (and NP-hard and NP-complete)?

Implementing an N process barrier using semaphores

What kind of formal languages can modern regex engines parse?

Where should a beginner start with computer vision? [closed]

What does this mean: O(n) steps and O(1) space?


Abstract algebra and Programming [closed]

Binary, Floats, and Modern Computers

Examples of monoids/semigroups in programming

How can I determine if a language is context free or not?

Why is Binary Search a divide and conquer algorithm?