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New posts in coffeescript

istanbul code coverage with mocha tests with coffeescript

Trigger cocoon add_association from javascript

Ember Testing: Cannot read property 'createRecord' of null

Chrome extension popup has a 2 - 3 second delay

In a NodeJS game with each object as a class, how should events be treated?

Best way to write and run unit tests for Brunch with Coffee

Rails 3- Render partial on an ajax call within a popup

How can I import a javascript library in CoffeeScript?

How can one compile CoffeeScript during the build phase of a Python packages' distutils installation?

Building a library for consumption that uses requirejs?

Backbone + Rails 'Paperclip' Async Uploads

Why are Meteor Router functions always being run twice

Compile time file read in CoffeeScript

Dependency Injection into Angular Provider

"Error: write after end" When Using Coffeeify

Coffeescript / Javascript Why, do the objects in a cloned array seem to lose their references when passed to a method?

Why do I have to duplicate packages that I specified in Package.onUse in Package.onTest in Meteor?

CoffeeScript testing and deployment on PHP / LAMP stack

I want to run d3 from a Cakefile

"Can't find variable" error with Rails 3.1 and Coffeescript