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New posts in coffeescript

Access to bare option when using Coffeescript.compile


Using Sprockets in Coffeescript, how do you //require?

Rails 4: Partial can't use javascript after being rendered (with ajax)

Possible to write Protovis code in CoffeeScript?

Can't install coffeescript on ubuntu LTS

coffeescript npm

Why does CoffeeScript require whitespace after map?


Catching 302 error and then redirecting in backbone.js sync method override

Binding click event in jquery coffeescript

Proper syntax for array.forEach() in coffeescript

node.js syntax coffeescript

How to split javascript string into a max of 2 parts?

Why do we need to use unless and "?" together instead of if alone


Rails 4 asset pipeline throws "only generation of JSON objects or arrays allowed"

Coffeescript JQuery on click only working when page is refreshed

How to write TypeScript and CoffeeScript in Brackets? [closed]

How to mock only one method using Sinon?

Why is rails using the .js.coffee extension for coffeescript files when they cannot contain javascript code anyway?

Coffee script path.exists deprecated notice from node.js

What is a good way to count source lines of code (SLOC) in a CoffeeScript project? [closed]


Set of CoffeeScript/JavaScript classes and methods available to rest of Rails app

how do I test a basic javascript file with mocha?